Spa sensations 8 inch theratouch memory foam mattress reviews

Spa Sensations memory foam mattress reviews effectively shed light on the red-flag qualities that should cause any consumer to pause and reconsider their interest. To understand documented user experiences, think of the old saying: “You get what you pay for.” The same can be said for a quality company like Amerisleep.

That sentence succinctly sums up Spa Sensations memory foam mattresses. Another old saying comes to mind: “If it seems too good to be true – it probably is.”
With rock-bottom pricing, and the company making premium-level product claims, it’s hard not to see a seemingly insurmountable contradiction. Spa Sensations memory foam mattress reviews reveal the devil is definitely in the details when it comes to these bargain sleep systems.

A frequent complaint among Spa Sensations users is that the memory foam mattresses have only one firmness level that is too hard for many people to use comfortably. This can be a big problem if – like many users – you purchased a Spa Sensations sleep system in the hopes of mitigating the negative impacts of injuries and other physical ailments.

Another common gripe centers on the durability of Spa Sensations mattresses or, perhaps more appropriately put, the lack there-of. The stated life-expectancy of Spa Sensations memory foam mattresses is five years; however, independent customer review sites are teeming with users who say their beds had significantly shorter lifespans.

To make matters worse, Spa Sensations mattresses have a five-year warranty, but reviewers lament that the company is reluctant – at best – to honor the agreement. As far as industry standards go, that’s a pretty weak warranty; Amerisleep, for example, stands behind its green memory foam mattresses with a 20-year warranty.

Spa Sensations: Quality Reflects Price

All this sounds pretty negative, but when you consider the $180 to $300 cost of Spa Sensations beds it shouldn’t be shocking. Comparatively, Tempurpedic brand memory foam mattresses can cost $2,000 to $3,000. In the middle, you will find Amerisleep which provides Tempurpedic-like characteristics in its plant-based memory foam mattresses that are environmentally friendly and superior in quality and durability.

Amerisleep memory foam mattresses surpass both Tempurpedic and Spa Sensations in the category of functional innovation. Using plant-based memory foam – instead of the traditional polyurethane blend – Amerisleep brings to the market at product that is environment and health-conscious, but that also solves Spa Sensations problem of heat retention that can render the mattress unusable for some people.

Spa Sensations memory foam mattress reviews provide exactly the personal insight needed for most any consumer to understand the folly of investing in this cheaply made product.

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Back sleepers, check out this mattress! The Spa Sensations 8-inch memory foam mattress is a great solution to back sleepers who need a mattress that will softly contour around their body but also provide a medium-level firmness. And at a $200 price tag for a Queen (sold online at Walmart), you really can’t find a better deal at the moment!

Quick FAQ

The Spa Sensations 8-inch memory foam mattress has been reviewed using the Zen Score System, which gives a score out of 100 based on 6 main factors: Unpacking (20pts), Smell (20 pts), Feel & Firmness (20 pts), Durability (20 pts), and Heat Regulation (20 pts) . We have also conducted interviews with over 300 verified purchasers of the mattress to give you very relevant statistics for all these categories.


As with most packaged memory foam mattresses, the Queen-size Spa Sensations 8-inch memory foam mattress arrives in a box that weighs roughly 60 pounds with dimensions 5 ft x 2.5 ft x 2 ft. Once opened, you will find the mattress rolled up in an airtight plastic bag.

TIP: Open the mattress in a room that is currently unoccupied, well-ventilated and receives a good amount of sunlight per day. When mattresses are first opened out of their vacuum-sealed bags, they immediately start to expand and typically give off a “new memory foam” smell which can sometimes be quite strong and bothersome. Letting the mattress air out and expand in a ventilated room for a few days is the best way to get rid of the smell. Also, don’t sleep on it during this period of time, or place any sheets or mattress protectors over it.

Where Was The Spa Sensations 8-inch Made?

The mattress was manufactured in China by Zinus. We do not recommend mattresses made in China unless they are certified by one of two organizations, and in this case the Spa Sensations passes the test.

Is It Made From Safe Materials?

Yes, the Spa Sensations 8-inch memory foam mattress is CertiPUR-US certified, which means their mattresses are :

Spa sensations 8 inch theratouch memory foam mattress reviews

– Made without ozone depletes
– Made without PBDE flame retardants
– Made without mercury, lead, and other heavy materials
– Made without phthalates regulated by Consumer Product Safety Commission
– Low VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) emissions for indoor air quality

Thickness & Density

The Spa Sensations 8-inch memory foam mattress contains 3 layers. For an 8-inch thick mattress, that’s quite a lot of layers, and not necessarily something I would consider a “positive”. When it comes to memory foam mattresses, more layers doesn’t really translate to more comfort. On the contrary, a sub-par memory foam mattress with a lot of layers may feel unstable to move around on, especially if the layers are not held together uniformly.

The first layer is the top, meaning you should never flip this mattress over. The top layer is made from bio-foam specialized memory foam, is 2 inches thick, and has a density of 3 lb pcf. The thickness is on the lower end for a top memory foam layer, but since there are 3 other layers in this mattress, you’ll see that this is not a big deal. The density is great, as we like to see anything above 2.5 lb pcf. Note that density does not imply anything regarding firmness; the more dense a mattress is, the more its able to retain its proper shape over years of use. In other words, a more dense mattress will be more durable.

Spa sensations 8 inch theratouch memory foam mattress reviews

The middle layer is 2 inches thick and contains super soft foam. This definitely makes up for the relatively thin 2-inch memory foam top layer, so we’re all good there!

The bottom layer is 4 inches thick and contains a high-density polyurethane foam base. While that’s pretty thin as far as base layers go, since the mattress is 8 inches thick in total, it makes sense ratio-wise.

Total points awarded for Unpacking: 16.5 / 20


When it comes to smelly mattresses, memory foam frequently reigns king. Not all mattresses are created equally, though – some, on average, smell much less than others. To give you a good idea of how much the Spa Sensations 8-inch memory foam mattress smells (on average), we polled 300 verified purchasers. Here’s the result:

  • No Smell - 34%
  • Light odor, gone in 3 days - 15%
  • Mild odor, gone in 5 days - 14%
  • Strong odor, gone in 7 days - 27%
  • Strong odor, never went away - 10%

63% of all purchasers noted either no smell, a light odor, or a medium odor… not good. Usually we like to see a number closer to 75-80%, so it’s not very thrilling to see this result. The silver lining is that those 63% of consumers noted that the memory foam smell went away within 5 days maximum.

On the other hand, you also have 37% of purchasers who noted a strong smell, and 10% of total purchasers said the smell never went away. Luckily, no one reported any chemical smells of the Spa Sensations 8-inch memory foam mattress, so while it may be bothersome for a minority of buyers, it is in no way harmful.

Verdict: If you are sensitive to smell, do not purchase this mattress. For an 8-inch mattress with similar feel but no smell, check out the Best Price 8-inch Memory Foam Mattress (you can check out our review here).

Total points awarded for Smell: 14 / 20

Feel & Firmness

Before diving into this section, it’s important to remember that the feel, firmness, and general comfort level of any mattress can differ a lot from person to person. One person’s firm-as-stone deathtrap of a bed could very well be another person’s heavenly sleeping surface! That being said, I and the Zen Sleeping team feel that we have done the best job in deciding the feel and firmness of this mattress, and that’s for one reason: we use both our professional opinion as well as the opinions of 300 verified purchasers who sleep on the mattress every night. So without further ado, read on to see how comfortable the Spa Sensations 8-inch memory foam mattress really is!

ILD Rating

As of the date of this post, the manufacturer has not updated us with the ILD rating of the mattress. We will provide the ILD rating here as soon as we figure it out.

Feel & Firmness Test

To provide you a valid professional opinion, my wife and I personally tested the Spa Sensations 8-inch memory foam mattress for 7 nights. My wife is a natural side/stomach sleeper, and I’m a back sleeper. She weighs 140 pounds, and I weigh roughly 200 pounds. We both tried out different sleeping positions as well as our typical ones, and here’s what we found out:

Spa sensations 8 inch theratouch memory foam mattress reviews

Regardless of weight, this mattress has a medium firmness for back sleepers. Typically the comfort level of a mattress can change depending on how heavy you are – the lighter a person is, the more firm the mattress will feel. However in this case, both my wife and I felt that the Spa Sensations 8-inch memory foam mattress had a medium-level firmness.

For side and stomach sleepers, however, we have some not-so-great news

Spa sensations 8 inch theratouch memory foam mattress reviews

While sleeping on our sides/stomachs, the Spa Sensations 8-inch memory foam mattress felt medium-hard for me and hard for my wife. Now, if you’re a natural side/stomach sleeper that prefers medium-hard to hard firmness sleeping surfaces, you will have a very comfortable sleep on this mattress. However, for all other side/stomach sleepers, this mattress will feel way too firm for you.

However, just because it may feel too firm, doesn’t mean that all hope is lost. If you prefer to sleep on your side/stomach and like soft-medium or medium firmness mattresses, then definitely check out our tips section further along in this review.

Our Verified Purchasers Weigh In

To supplement our professional opinions on comfort level, feel and firmness, we have data points on over 300 verified purchasers of the Spa Sensations 8-inch memory foam mattress. Here’s what they had to say:

  • Comfortable feel - 88%
  • Too firm - 10%
  • Too soft - 2%

88% of our verified purchasers find the Spa Sensations 8-inch memory foam mattress to be a comfortable sleeping experience. 10% believe it is too firm, and 2% too soft.

Verdict: if you’re a back sleeper of any weight and prefer medium-firm mattresses, the Spa Sensations 8-inch is a perfect fit for you.

Total points awarded for Feel: 17 / 20

How To Make the Spa Sensations 8-inch Softer

Contrary to what many think, it is very possible – and actually quite easy – to make a firm mattress feel softer. If you’re interested in making the Spa Sensations 8-inch memory foam mattress feel softer (especially if you’re a side/stomach sleeper), here’s one foolproof way to do so: use a memory foam mattress topper.

For best results, look for a mattress topper that is 2-3 inches thick and has a density of 3 lb pcf or less. This is key, because a lower density topper will eventually sink more, therefore giving you more of a soft feel.

Our recommendation: the Red Nomad 2-inch memory foam topper. You can check out our review here, or view it on Amazon here.


How can you tell if a mattress will be durable and last long? Well, there are 4 main things to look for: adequate density, high-quality garment construction, resistance to surface/ edge abrasions, and stain release capabilities. In this section we dive into each of these factors.


The density of a memory foam mattress’s top layer is arguably the most important factor in determining how long it will last. Mattresses with low memory foam density will literally “give out” and start sinking in a few months to a year, so we can’t stress enough the importance of density.

With a density of 3 lb pcf, the Spa Sensations 8-inch memory foam mattress is well-equipped to handle the stress of being used every night for years. We typically like to see a density ranging between 2.5 – 4 lb pcf, so a 3 lb pcf density is good.

Garment Construction

Garment construction refers to how resistant the mattress cover and actual mattress are to tearing at the sides, seams, and edges. We asked our 300 verified purchasers if they’ve noticed any tears in their mattress or cover, and here’s what we found out:

98% reported no tears of the mattress foam, and 97% reported no tears of the mattress cover. Also, the average ownership length of the Spa Sensations 8-inch memory foam mattress is 2 years.

Surface / Edge Abrasion

A durable mattress will be more resistant to surface and edge abrasions; these basically occur from the repeated rubbing of the mattress/ cover surface to sheets, your body, etc over many nights of use. Here’s what our 300 verified purchasers said when asked about the existence of surface/edge abrasions on their Spa Sensations 8-inch memory foam mattress:

90% reported no wearing of the mattress cover surface, and 98% reported no surface or edge abrasions of the foam material.

Stain Release

Lastly, a mattress and cover are more durable when they are better able to release stains. Of the 300 verified purchasers, 86 had experienced stains on the mattress at some point. Of those 86 cases, the stains were easily removed for 75% of them; the other 25% of stains were not removed at all.


Given the performance of the Spa Sensations 8-inch memory foam mattress on these 4 factors of durability, we believe it will last for more than 5 years.

Total points awarded for Durability: 17 / 20

Heat Regulation

Heat regulation tends to be a “hot topic” (pun intended!) for memory foam mattress buyers because of the fact that these mattresses have a tendency to trap heat more than other mattress types. While this can be true, a high-quality memory foam mattress will be very efficient at regulating heat and preventing heat from getting trapped in the mattress. To get a better sense of the Spa Sensations 8-inch memory foam mattress’s ability to regulate heat, we asked our 300 verified purchasers for their feedback. Here’s what we found out:

  • Slept cool - 25%
  • Slept neutral - 40%
  • Slept warm - 16%
  • Slept hot - 9%

Pretty great results in my opinion! 91% of respondents said they felt either cool, neutral, or warm, while only 9% felt hot.

Total points awarded for Heat Regulation: 19 / 20

Zen Score of the Spa Sensations 8-inch Memory Foam Mattress

A memory foam mattress must pass a Zen Score of 70 in order to be recommended by us at Zen Sleeping. The Spa Sensations 8-inch Memory Foam Mattress passes our benchmark with a total Zen Score of 86.5!

Be sure to leave a comment below if you have any questions or concerns.

How good is the Spa Sensation mattress?

Feel and Firmness Zinus rates the Spa Sensations mattress as plush, but we think it's closer to medium-soft. We gave it a 4.5/10 on our firmness scale. Lighter-weight customers even say it feels closer to a medium or medium-firm mattress.

Is 8in memory foam mattress good?

Is an 8-inch memory foam mattress thick enough? An 8-inch memory foam mattress might be thick enough for a petite, single sleeper who prefers a firmer mattress. However, for plus-sized sleepers, large adults, side sleepers, or couples, an 8-inch mattress may be unable to bear their weight and can be uncomfortable.

Is an 8 inch foam mattress comfortable?

Considering the level of comfort you are looking for, 8 inch memory foam mattress can be the best choice for you because: It is comfortable and thick enough to support your neck, hip, back, and shoulders. The lightweight (under 100 pounds) 8 inch memory foam mattress is easy to transport, install, and rotate.

Can an 8 inch mattress be comfortable?

An 8-inch mattress won't provide enough support or cushioning for the average-sized adult. Children or shorter adults should be okay on a thin mattress, and it can be used as a temporary sleep solution for guests. However, the average adult should seek a mattress at least 10 inches tall for ample support and comfort.