What master degree should i get quiz

With an undergraduate degree done and dusted with, and a little (or a lot) of work experience under your belt, the dreaded question pops up: What next?

You want a Master’s, you think. After all, didn’t Sheila from Marketing got promoted because of that? Didn’t she get a pay raise (that she may, or may not, have deserved)?

But there are so many other things to consider as well: Money, family, location. Plus, there seems to be an infinite number of options to choose from these days.

Now weighing all these factors isn’t as easy as drawing up a mental or physical list of pros and cons then jetting off to a whole new chapter of your life.

The quest for a few extra letters or qualifications after your name is not an easy one. Let our little quiz make your decision-making process much, much easier:

1. Are you working right now?

What master degree should i get quiz

2. How committed are you to your work?

What master degree should i get quiz

3. How much are you able and willing to spend on your postgraduate study?

What master degree should i get quiz

4. Are you willing to commit to the time and pressure that comes with having to write a thesis?

What master degree should i get quiz

5. Taking up a postgraduate course is a big decision. How much have you thought this through (& willing to live with the consequences of a bad decision)?

What master degree should i get quiz

6. Are you willing to give up the comfortable perks of a well-paid adult?

What master degree should i get quiz

7. Are you willing to travel?

What master degree should i get quiz

Which postgraduate route should you take to make your life better?

You want a proper edge in your CV and you're willing to go the long mile for it. You're willing to fork our the money and time - painful dissertation and all - for it. To you, it's an investment, and rightly so!

Postgraduate Certificates (PGCerts) or Postgraduate Diplomas (PGDips)

You're aware of your limitations - time, funds and commitment. Nonetheless, you still want a challenge and one day, build your PGCerts and PGDips up to a full Master's at your own pace. It's the snack version of postgraduate study - short, satisfying and does the job.

For you, location is key. You may have the time and commitment, but you are locked at where you are now, due to job or family, which would not let you travel several thousand kilometres away. Online learning lets you have the best of both world - get your postgraduate qualification without letting location get into the way.

To you, there's no need to sacrifice your job for several years to further your studies and boost your CV. You're willing to sacrifice some leisure time off-work for this qualification and would love it if you can structure your course schedule around your job and family.

To you, there's no better way to improve your career and knowledge than to build your years right where you are, right in the industry itself! The cons of another university qualification (time, money, commitment) definitely outweighs the pros of it (knowledge, boost CV) for you.

Postgraduate Summer School

Why decide without trying it out first? A summer school will be perfect as a teaser and real-life insight into what life would be like as a postgraduate student in this particular university or country. Plus, it can be added to my CV too!

The questions in this quiz will ask you about your interests, your skills, and your career/lifestyle goals in order to match you with an appropriate program.


This test is not based on any scientific study whatsoever. It is intended for fun only so do not treat the result too seriously :)

A Master's degree is known to boost career prospects for graduates, and many use it as an opportunity to study abroad. But would it be worth it for you?

This quiz will evaluate your current study/work situation and make a recommendation based on the answers.

Getting a Master's degree is a big decision, and especially if you're planning on getting a Master's abroad.

This quiz will help you get the answer to the question "Should I Get a Master's Degree?" and it'll provide you with some helpful resources to get you started, depending on the result.

Who is this for?

This quiz was created for recent Bachelor's graduates, as well as for people who are thinking of changing fields. 

People who are thinking of getting multiple Master's degrees may also find this quiz insightful.

What kinds of questions should I expect?

The quiz will ask you a handful of questions about your:

  • Current work situation
  • Bachelor's studies
  • Plans for the future

You'll also have a few questions about the logistics of getting a Master's degree. For example, about the cost and if you a have concrete idea of the benefits a Master's degree would provide.


What's the next step?

Once you've gone through the questions and received your answer, you'll have some helpful resources to get you started. 

If you feel like you need more information about Master's degrees, you can take a look at our helpful guide on Master's degrees! It'll tell you everything you need to know about Master's studies.

What masters degree is most worth it?

Best-paying master's degrees.
Nurse anesthesia. Median pay: $165,000 per year. ... .
Telecommunications engineering. Median pay: $141,000 per year. ... .
Finance and economics. Median pay: $134,000 per year. ... .
Electrical engineering. ... .
Computer engineering. ... .
Biomedical engineering. ... .
Mathematics and statistics. ... .
Technology management..

How do I decide if I want a masters degree?

How to Choose the Right Master's Degree in 10 Simple Steps.
Ask yourself why. ... .
Consider how you'll learn. ... .
Do your research. ... .
Meet the course supervisors. ... .
Consider the financial cost. ... .
Consider the course length. ... .
Weigh your choice against your strengths. ... .
Consider the location..

What's the easiest masters degree to get accepted?

Top 10 Easiest Masters Degree Programs Online.
Public Administration. ... .
Sports Management. ... .
Healthcare Administration. ... .
Educational Leadership. Educational Leadership. ... .
Human Services. Human Services. ... .
Criminal Justice. Criminal Justice. ... .
Teaching and Education. Teaching and Education. ... .
Corporate Communications. Corporate Communications..

What are the 2 most common master's degrees called?

Generally, there are three types of Masters degree. Taught Masters such as Master of Arts (MA) and Master of Science (MSc) degrees include a series of modules delivered in classrooms or laboratories followed by a final dissertation.