Whats the difference between bed bugs and mosquito bites

How can you tell the difference between a mosquito and a bed bug bite?

Picture it: you wake up on a summer morning, the sun is shining, birds singing and then you notice a red bug bite on your leg?....and another...and another! Was it because of that extra hour you were playing corn-hole? But, you swear you sprayed bug spray and didn't feel any bites before bed? This is when it hits you. You might have gotten the bites in bed.

There is often confusion between bed bugs and mosquito bites because of their similar size and itchy reaction. Like mosquitoes, bed bugs are small pests that pierce your skin and feed on your blood leaving behind an irritated bump. They're smaller insects than mosquitoes (about the size of an apple seed) and are often hard to find when not feeding.

The biggest differences

Bed bugs don't fly, but they do spread rapidly and are notoriously difficult to get rid of. They can breed just about anywhere and everywhere. (comforting huh?) Check inside upholstered furniture, bedside tables, along with the seams of curtains and carpets, behind electrical outlets on the walls or behind hanging picture frames. Cue the hee-bee-gee-bees.

Don't give the bugs time to spread, contact us today to schedule a service!

You might have picked up these pests in hotel rooms, public transportation, or even in a movie theater. If you've been to any public areas recently, you could have picked these insects up there and brought them home with you.

Bed Bug Signs and Symptoms

Their bites are the real indicator. Bed bug bites generally appear in clusters, along a line (like the edge of a sheet or comforter or where your body meets the mattress), whereas mosquito bites are random and spread out.

These red clusters of bites won't always be itchy (unlike mosquito bites). Some people are more sensitive to bed bugs than others, so while just about everyone will react to a mosquito bite, some people don't have reactions to bed bug bites at all!

Other physical signs to look for include dark brown/reddish blood spots on your bed linens, mattresses, headboards, box springs or furniture or sand-like casts the bugs will shed after growing.

If you feel like you have bed bugs please reach out and we will be happy to treat it before it gets too aggressive. If you think that it might just be a mosquito issue, still don't let these pests take over your home. Schedule a service with us now.

Whats the difference between bed bugs and mosquito bites

After an exhausting day at work, it is now time for your much-awaited slumber. You hurriedly marched towards your bed and closed your eyes. But soon as you wake up, you find numerous red bumps and markings that looked like insect bites. You are quite sure that those were not present before you dozed off. And you began to think, are these bed bug bites or mosquito bites?

What Do Bed Bug Bites Look Like Compared to Mosquito Bites?

Bed bug bites appear as red blotches on the skin that look like small pimples. Each bite has a red dot on its center and is usually inflamed and swollen. On the other hand, mosquito bites are red bumps on the skin that appear instantly after the bite. They may either be small or large, depending on the degree of sensitivity of the person bitten. 

In distinguishing the two bites, those from the bed bugs are typically clustered in groups and are patterned either in a straight or zigzag line, while those from the mosquitoes have no specific form or pattern. Also, bed bug bites are usually found in the arms, legs, back, neck, and face, while mosquito bites do not have a definite location.

How Can You Tell if Your Bites Are From Bed Bugs?

Whats the difference between bed bugs and mosquito bites

You can tell if your bites are from bed bugs if they look like tiny zits, have red dots on the middle of the bite location, and are clustered in a distinguishable pattern.

Why Do Bed Bugs Bite?

Whats the difference between bed bugs and mosquito bites

Bed bugs bite because they principally feed on the blood of their hosts. They can only do this when they pierce the skin of humans and animals to suck blood. Moreover, they have pointed mouthparts and elongated beaks with the main purpose of puncturing and breaking the skin.

When Do Bed Bug Bites Show Up? 

Unlike mosquito bites, bed bug bites do not show up immediately. They are usually unnoticeable and harmless at the moment of the bite. However, they may become itchy and uncomfortable after a few hours or, in the worst-case scenario, after two weeks. Its effects are usually not felt until tiny red bumps appear on the skin.

Related: Are Bed Bug Bites Itchy?

What Can Be Mistaken for Bed Bug Bites?

The bites of the following creatures are often mistaken as bed bug bites:

  • Ticks
  • Mosquitoes
  • Mites
  • Fleas
  • Lice
  • Carpet beetle larvae

How Long Does It Take for Bed Bug Bites to Show?

Since bed bug bites are imperceptible at first, the redness, swelling, and inflammation on the bite area usually start to be apparent after several hours, days, or even weeks. In some cases, it may take up to fourteen days before symptoms of bed bug bites begin to be observable.

How Do You Tell if It’s a Mosquito Bite?

Whats the difference between bed bugs and mosquito bites

You can tell that it’s a mosquito bite if the red bumps on your skin are not formed in groups or a specific pattern. Also, you can conclude that the bites are from mosquitoes if they are randomly seen in the different areas of the body and not confined to a certain part.

What Does a Mosquito Bite Look Like?

Mosquito bites are red and raised blotches on the skin that appear directly after the occurrence of the bite. They don’t have a specific size because their measurement depends on a person’s level of sensitivity. Their bites are also very random and isolated, which means that a person may have one or multiple bites on the various parts of the body.

How Long Do Mosquito Bites Last?

Whats the difference between bed bugs and mosquito bites

A mosquito bite typically lasts for a couple of hours. However, there are times when the bites of these insects will continue to cause redness on the skin for three to four days.

How Do You Stop a Mosquito Bite From Itching?

If you want to stop a mosquito bite from itching, you may employ the following measures:

  • Wash and disinfect the bite location with soap and water or any antiseptic solution.
  • Place an ice pack on the site of the bite as this will effectively minimize itching and swelling.
  • Use baking soda and water in relieving the itchy feeling of the bite. This can be done by mixing one tablespoon of baking soda in water to create a paste solution. Apply it to the bitten area for at least 10 minutes before removing it.
  • For faster relief, you can utilize anti-itch creams and solutions or take anti-histamine medications.

When Should You Worry About a Mosquito Bite?

You should be worried about a mosquito bite if you experience the symptoms of the following diseases and conditions:

  • Dengue Fever. This is an illness brought by an infected bite from the Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus mosquito. An estimated four billion people are at high risk of acquiring this viral infection, and at least forty thousand individuals die because of it. Symptoms include fever, nausea, body pains, and rash but may progress into vomiting, abdominal pain, and bleeding.
  • West Nile Virus. This is one of the top mosquito-borne illnesses that have ravaged the continental USA. It is acquired when a mosquito feeds on the blood of an infected bird and bites humans and other animals. Most people do not experience any symptoms, but in some cases, affected individuals may suffer from high fever, headache, muscle weakness, paralysis, loss of vision, and convulsions.
  • Anaphylactic Reactions. This condition arises when a person bitten is severely allergic to mosquito bites. It can be life-threatening if not managed right away as it can lead to hives, tachycardia, confusion, difficulty in breathing, and loss of consciousness.

Bed Bug Bite and Mosquito Bite | Identification

Bed Bug Bite

  • Appearance: Red in color and resemble small pimples with red dots at the center.
  • Pattern of bite: Their bites appear in a distinct and clustered pattern such as a zigzag or straight line.
  • Itch factor: Very itchy, but bed bug bites are usually worst during the morning.
  • Location: Usually found on the skin areas that are exposed to the bed like the neck, back, face, chest, arms, and legs.
  • Time of bite: They are active during the night time, so they usually bite during these hours.
  • Reaction time: Their bites are not typically felt right away as skin reactions may commence after a couple of hours or days.
  • Healing time: Their bite may persist for several days.
  • Capacity to cause disease: They are not known to transmit diseases.
  • Hypersensitivity reactions: Bed bugs and mosquito bites may cause allergic reactions to some people but only in rare circumstances.

Related: Bed Bug Bites: How to Treat Bed Bug Bites and Prevent Them

Mosquito Bites

  • Appearance: Their bites are red bumps that may be small or large, depending on a person’s sensitivity to mosquito saliva.
  • Pattern of bite: Isolated and may be found in random areas of the body.
  • Itch factor: The degree of irritation caused by mosquito bites may vary from one person to another.
  • Location: Their bites have no definite location and may be evenly distributed to the different parts of the body.
  • Time of bite: Usually felt between sunset to sunrise.
  • Reaction time: Their bite felt instantaneously.
  • Healing time: Their bites usually resolve faster.
  • Capacity to cause disease: They can be vectors of various illnesses like Dengue fever, West Nile fever, Malaria, and Zika.

What Is the Best Treatment for Mosquito Bites?

If you are looking for the best mosquito bite treatments, it is advisable to buy the following products:

1. Benadryl Extra Strength Anti-Itch Gel 

If you want speedy relief from the itchy feeling of mosquito bites, this product is one of the top choices. It contains Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride, a topical ingredient that can remove itching by blocking the effects of histamine. Moreover, it is ideal for those ages 2 and up and is a perfect first-aid treatment for camping, hiking, and walking activities.

2. Octagon Hanji Magic Band 

These are adhesive bands that relieve itchiness when applied to the location of the mosquito bite. It is made from natural ingredients, so the absence of harmful chemicals and contents is guaranteed. The bands are also non-irritating and breathable, making them very convenient to use.

Whats the difference between bed bugs and mosquito bites

Itch Relief Octagon Traditional Korean Paper HANJI Patch After Bite Insect

  • √ EXCELLENT ITCHING RELIEF : Just Attach the Patch After Bite...
  • √ UNIQUE PRODUCT IN THE WORLD : Research in Company with...
  • √ NATURAL MATERIAL : The Product is Made by Natural Material...
  • √ SAFETY : Because Made of HANJI(paper), Well Ventilated,No...
  • √ USAGE : In the Summer, Especially during Outdoor activities...

3. On The Go Handy First Aid Stick 

This product is a pocket-size and handy stick that is efficient in managing itchiness in the skin. It soothes the skin naturally and contains emu oil, a substance that facilitates deep skin penetration and absorption. Other than that, it can also be utilized for bruises, scratches, sunburn, chapped lips, minor burns, and small cuts.

Does Toothpaste Help Mosquito Bites?

Toothpaste may help in relieving mosquito bites. The menthol found in this product is efficient in calming the itchy feeling, making it a common first-aid treatment in many households.

Treatment for Bed Bug Bites

The treatment for bed bug bites focuses on itch relief and prevention of infection. This can be done by washing the site of the bite with soap and water or pouring a disinfectant solution on the said area. It is also helpful to put cold compress, topical analgesics and steroid creams, calamine lotion, and antihistamine medications on the irritated area to give it a soothing sensation.

What Is the Best Cream to Use for Bed Bug Bites?

Being bitten by a bed bug can be very itchy. To relieve this irritating feeling, use the following creams and solutions:

1. Cortizone 10 Anti-Itch Cream 

This product contains hydrocortisone, an ingredient that is very potent in relieving itchiness and discomfort in the skin. It can last for several hours when applied and helps to soothe and calm the skin with its aloe vera content.

2. Murphy’s Naturals Insect Bite Relief Soothing Balm 

If you are looking for a soothing solution that is made up of natural ingredients, this product will be one of your best choices. It has sunflower seed oil, olive oil, eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, peppermint oil, lavender oil, and chamomile that are known to calm and mellow the site of the bite. Moreover, it is very safe to use as it has no harmful chemicals or synthetic fragrances.

3. Tecnu Calagel Anti-Itch Gel 

This anti-itch gel from the brand Calagel offers maximum relief from insect bites, outdoor itches, sunburns, rashes, and other skin conditions. It is due to the analgesic quality of its contents that provides prompt and instant relief from pain and inflammation. 


Bites from mosquitoes and bed bugs are characterized by intense itching, redness, and inflammation. Therefore, treatment should be centered on relieving skin discomfort and preventing infection. This can be done by identifying the kind of bite and applying creams and solutions, or in worst cases, taking appropriate medications to achieve relief from skin discomfort.

List of Sources

Mosquito Bite Symptoms and Treatment. (2020). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Mosquito Bites. (2021). U.S. National Library of Medicine – MedlinePlus.

Bed Bugs FAQs. (2020). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

How do I know if I have mosquito bites or bed bug bites?

Appearance and Location of Bites Mosquito bites tend to be random and can occur anywhere that clothing does not cover. They present as a puffy, swollen white or red bump with a small puncture wound in the center. On the other hand, bed bug bites are small red bumps that can blister or look like a pimple.

Can mosquito bites look like bed bug bites?

Bedbug bite symptoms Bedbugs are nocturnal insects that bite people usually asleep and in bed. They can resemble other insect bites, such as mosquito bites, or skin irritations, such as eczema. Appearance. Bites are usually red, puffy, and pimple-like.

How do I know if my bites are from bed bugs?

Symptoms of a bedbug bite.
red and swollen, with a dark spot at the center of each bite (they may also look like a hive or welt).
arranged in lines or clusters, with multiple bites grouped together..
fluid-filled blisters..
you may also find blood stains on the sheets from scratching..

What does a bed bug bite look like?

small red bumps or welts in a zigzag pattern or a line. small red bumps surrounded by blisters or hives. papular eruptions or areas of skin with raised or flat patches that may be inflamed. small spots of blood from bites often dried or stained onto sheets or bed clothing.