How much chocolate can a 50 lb dog eat

A dog’s body can’t handle the high levels of caffeine and theobromine in chocolate, which are toxic to dogs. The quantity of chocolate an average-sized dog needs to ingest before it has a bad reaction varies from dog to dog and type to type of chocolate.

Chocolate is poisonous to dogs as it contains theobromine. Humans easily metabolize theobromine, but dogs process it much more slowly, allowing it to build up to toxic levels in their system. The potential toxicity of chocolate to your dog depends on the type of chocolate, the amount consumed and your dog’s size. In large enough amounts, chocolate and cocoa products can kill your dog.

(If you want to know what other human foods are harmful to your dog, you can read this blog post by Petcarerx.)

Many of us love chocolate, but did you know that the darker and more bitter the chocolate-the more dangerous it is to your pup? And, how much is too much if your dog accidentally eats your stash? Read on to find out.

How much chocolate can a 50 lb dog eat
Signs of chocolate poisoning in dogs – Infographic – please share

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How much chocolate can kill a dog?

Why is chocolate poisonous to dogs?

The toxic component of chocolate is theobromine. Humans easily metabolize theobromine, but dogs process it much more slowly, allowing it to build up to toxic levels in their system.

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How much chocolate can a dog eat?

The honest answer is NONE. Vets don’t recommend giving your dog any chocolate at all because even a small amount could be harmful for them.

Theobromine dosages in the range of 100–150 mg/kg of body weight are toxic to dogs. That means that say you own a Labrador that weighs 30kg, as little as three thousand milligrams of theobromine (the active ingredient in cacao) could be fatal. 

To put that in perspective, one 500g bar of dark chocolate contains 3000mg of theobromine.

And if you like to cook chocolate cakes,  170g of cooking chocolate contains 3000mg of theobromine too! So DEFINITELY don’t leave chocolate cakes in the reach of your dog’s roaming jaws.

How much chocolate can kill a dog?

A larger dog can eat more chocolate than a small dog before suffering from ill effects. A small amount of chocolate will probably only give your dog an upset stomach with vomiting or diarrhoea.

Treatment is required for dogs who have eaten 3.5g of dark chocolate for every kilogram they weigh and 14g of milk chocolate for every kilogram they weigh.

Never consider chocolate as a reward. Instead try our Best ever liver cake treats – wheat free : Homemade Dog Treats .

What are the most dangerous types of chocolate?

There are several different kinds of chocolate. Some of them contain more theobromines than others. Here are the different kinds of chocolates ranked by their level of theobromines. The higher the thebromine content, the more dangerous for pets.

  • Cocoa powder
  • Unsweetened chocolate
  • Semi-sweet chocolate & dark chocolate
  • Milk chocolate

White chocolate contains negligible levels of theobromine, according to Merck Veterinary Manual.

How much chocolate can a 50 lb dog eat

Signs That Your Dog Has Been Poisoned by Chocolate and What to Do

With large amounts, theobromine can produce the following symptoms of toxicity:

  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Increased thirst and increased urination
  • Hyperactivity or restlessness
  • Fast irregular heart rate
  • Rapid breathing
  • Elevated body temperature
  • High blood pressure
  • Abdominal pain
  • Wobbly and unbalanced when walking
  • Tremors or seizures
  • Rigid muscles
  • Coma

The onset of theobromine poisoning is usually marked by severe hyperactivity.

The usual treatment for theobromine poisoning is to induce vomiting within two hours of ingestion.

If you are worried or suspect that your dog may have eaten a large quantity of chocolate and they are showing any of the signs listed above, call your vet immediately.

If you have a small dog that has eaten a box of chocolates, you need to call and go to your veterinarian right away. Do not wait.

How long does it take for chocolate poisoning symptoms to kick in?

How much chocolate can a 50 lb dog eat

Within two hours of eating chocolate, dogs may begin showing signs of chocolate toxicity. Sometimes, it takes up to 24 hour for symptoms to start kicking in after eating some chocolate.

How long does it take a dog to recover after eating chocolate?

How much chocolate can a 50 lb dog eat

If your dog has been poisoned by eating chocolate, he might require up to three days for his body to fully recover from the effects of the poison.

How much dark chocolate can kill a dog?

How much chocolate can a 50 lb dog eat

The high level of theobromine in dark chocolate means it takes only a very small amount to poison a dog. Less than 25g of dark chocolate may be enough to poison a 20kg dog, that’s only a couple of squares of your bar.

Cocoa, cooking chocolate and dark chocolate contain the highest levels, while milk chocolate and white chocolate have the lowest. If you’re dealing with any quantity of dark or bitter chocolate, err on the side of caution.

Is chocolate powder dangerous to dogs?

How much chocolate can a 50 lb dog eat

Dry cocoa powder has up to 26 mg of theobromine per gram, which means it’s extremely toxic for small animals.

If you have a pet that weighs 10 kg, even just a few grams of cocoa could cause them to suffer from seizures.

What should I do if I don’t know how much chocolate my dog has eaten?

How much chocolate can a 50 lb dog eat

It can be difficult to know exactly how much chocolate your pet has consumed and the amounts of caffeine and theobromine will vary depending on the source of the beans, the type of chocolate used, and the size of the bar.

Always err on the side of safety and contact your veterinarian if you’re worried.

Is Cocoa Butter poisonous to dogs?

How much chocolate can a 50 lb dog eat

Cocoa butter, also known as cocoa fat or cacao fat, is a natural product extracted from the nib of the cocoa plant. The nib of the plant is ground into chocolate liquor and the cocoa butter is extracted from that.

Cocoa butter contains minimal to no levels of theobromine which is the chemical in chocolate that is toxic to dogs.

However, your lotions and balms often contain other ingredients to which your dog may have an allergic reaction, so wash your hands thoroughly after you have applied your lotion before stroking your dog.

My dog drank hot chocolate. Is it dangerous?

How much chocolate can a 50 lb dog eat

Most popular types of drinking chocolate contain similar (or lower) amounts of theobromine to a milk chocolate bar.

So, for example, a 10 kg dog would need to drink 130ml of your beverage before experiencing any adverse health effects. That’s about a third of a large mug.

Can dogs eat white chocolate?

How much chocolate can a 50 lb dog eat

It’s highly unlikely that your dog will be poisoned by eating white chocolate, as most white chocolate contains too little theobromine to poison them.

However, if your dog eats any white chocolate product, they could experience an upset tummy.

Can dogs eat chocolate cake?

How much chocolate can a 50 lb dog eat

No. Chocolate cake contains a lot of things that aren’t good for dogs like sugar and particularly cocoa powder.

Cocoa powder has high amounts of theobromine, which is especially toxic to your dog.

Is chocolate ice cream bad for dogs?

How much chocolate can a 50 lb dog eat

Most dog owners know that any ice creams are not good for their pets. Chocolate ice cream though is particularly bad as, guess what?, it contains the chemical theobromine (a chemical found in cacao beans), which is toxic to dogs.

Also, many dogs are lactose intolerate, meaning that consuming dairy products like ice cream can cause them to experience diarrhoea. Yuk!

What to do if your dog eats chocolate?

If your pet has eaten chocolate, urgent treatment may be required. Please call your local veterinary surgery for advice. We’ve added a handy chocolate toxicity calculator below can help you determine whether your pet has consumed a toxic dose.

Note down your dog’s current weight, the kind of chocolate they’ve eaten and how much chocolate they had eaten and when you think they ate it. If you’re able to take the wrappers to the veterinarian, then do so. This information will help them to determine whether your dog has eaten too much chocolate and how to treat them.

What should I give a dog that ate chocolate?

Do not try and treat the poisoning at home. If you suspect your pet has been poisoned by eating too much chocolate, first check how much you think they ate, and the type of chocolate it was. Then, weigh them and calculate the theobromine dose they might have had and decide whether it is toxic and emergency medical care is needed.

As a reminder 100mg of theobromine per kilo of weight of your dog is toxic. Use the toxicity calculator below to check. 

Chocolate Toxicity Calculator

If you’re a dog owner and wondering how much chocolate can kill your dog, this calculator will tell you! Just enter the weight of your pup in pounds as well as what type of chocolate they ate (candy bar or cooking cocoa) and it’ll calculate potentially how toxic it is. It might be worth reiterating with your kids not to give dogs any type of food that isn’t specifically made for them since even both types of cocoa contain theobromine which could be fatal to their little furry friends!

To work out how much chocolate is poisonous for your particular dog please click here to open the toxicity calculator

How much chocolate can a 55 pound dog eat?

Threat to pets For milk chocolate, any ingestion of more than 0.5 ounces per pound of body weight may put dogs at risk for chocolate poisoning. Ingestions of more than 0.13 ounces per pound of dark or semi-sweet chocolate may cause poisoning.

How much chocolate can a 60 lb dog have?

Dark Chocolate: Use a scale of 1.5 ounces per 10 pounds of body weight. That's 3 ounces for a 20 pound dog. If they've ingested that much or more, it's time to call your vet. Milk Chocolate or Semi-sweet: A poisonous amount would be anything over 3.5 ounces- a standard size Hershey's bar- for a small 10 pound dog.

What if my dog ate chocolate but seems fine?

Chocolate is poisonous to dogs mostly because of its theobromine content, which dogs are unable to metabolize effectively. If your dog eats chocolate, you should monitor them closely and seek veterinary attention if they show any symptoms, or if they are very young, pregnant or have other health concerns.

How much chocolate is too much for a 40 lb dog?

In simpler terms, that means a very concerning dose of chocolate is approximately one ounce of milk chocolate per pound of body weight.