How to make french fries from mashed potatoes

French fries are great, but every now and then don't you wish you had a crisp, clean potato instead of soggy, greasy French fries? You might think that the chemical transformations involved in deep frying potatoes to form French fries are irreversible, but it turns out that it's quite easy to turn your French fries back into a potato! In this Instructable, I'll show you how to take your faulty French fries and turn them back into the potato you deserve.

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Step 1: Obtain Some Potatoes

How to make french fries from mashed potatoes

Assuming you've already got your French fries, the first step is to find some potatoes. Counterintuitively, the process of turning your French fries back into a potato will require potatoes, so you're going to want to head to the grocery store after you head to McDonald's. It's difficult to estimate the number of potatoes you need for a given quantity of French fries, but I'd say you're safe buying one medium-sized russet potato per 120g of French fries. If you don't have access to an accurate scale, you can simply ball up the French fries in your hand and estimate what size potato they would make and then buy a potato close to that size.

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Step 2: Blend the French Fries

How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes

Once you have your French fries and potatoes, the next step is to blend up the French fries into a fine paste. Any blender or food processor will work well for this. The consistency of the paste should be smooth, almost like mashed potatoes. If your French fries are too dry and not clumping together, try adding in a little water or a little butter.

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Step 3: Microwave the Potatoes

How to make french fries from mashed potatoes

Next, microwave your potatoes in order to loosen the skin. Place the potato in a bowl with a small amount of water and microwave on high for 4-5 minutes. Take out the potato when the skin starts to wrinkle and look dry.

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Step 4: Remove the Flesh of the Potato

How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes

Once the potato skins are nice and loose, cut the potatoes length-wise (that is, along their longest axis) and scoop out the flesh of the potato using a spoon. Try to keep the skin as intact as possible, though if you end up accidentally ripping off some chunks of skin set them aside for use later.

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Step 5: Put the French Fries Into the Potato Skins

How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes

Now that you've got your hollowed-out potatoes, take your French fry mixture and place it in the potato skins. Fill up the potato skins to the original volume of the potato as best you can.

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Step 6: Sew the Potato Skins Back Together

How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes

Using some needle and thread, sew the potato skins back together. Be gentle, as the potato skins will tear fairly easily! This is where that spare pile of potato skin patches will come in handy. If you end up mangling some potatoes, jump right in with the skin grafting and soon your potatoes will be as good as new.

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Step 7: Enjoy

How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes

Enjoy your new potatoes!

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How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes

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    How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
    How to make french fries from mashed potatoes



How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes


7 years ago on Step 5


Someone should ask: "Why?"

2 replies


How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes


Reply 8 months ago


Because French fries get soggy and limp.

What I did was combine leftover fries and fresh sweet potatoes (boiled). With appropriate spices it turned out pretty good.


How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes


Reply 7 years ago on Step 5


because potato? ;)


How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes


2 years ago


I was looking up how to turn French fries into mashed potatoes and this was the first thing that popped up.. I have never laughed so hard in my entire life. I can die happy now.


How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes


4 years ago


2018 and this still gives me life, just as much as this Instructables gives life to potatoes.


How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes


5 years ago


It's 2017 and it's still funny...but no..really. I just blended up some french fries and was wondering what to do with them. DIY rocks, where else on the www can you find helpful information, even if it's to laugh at yourself.- Back to the my drawing board.


How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes


6 years ago


the Frankenstein's potatoes
but but but i got a question : what do you do with the left pealed potatoes? you should make another instructable about that! :D


How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes


7 years ago on Introduction


LOL. Best idea ever. thank you!


How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes


7 years ago


I simplified the process and just sewed the freedom fries together in the shape of a potato.


How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes


7 years ago on Introduction


lol...insanity...waste of time & energy


How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes


7 years ago


I am going to have nightmares of zombie potatoes


How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes


7 years ago


thats just plain nasty


How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes


7 years ago on Introduction


What's wrong with soggy greasy french fries?

Hint: Nothing.


How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes


7 years ago


I know what to make next Halloween. "Who wants some zombie potatoes??"


How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes


7 years ago


I can't tell if this is a joke or not ;)


How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes


8 years ago on Introduction


Lol you're a mess.


How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes


8 years ago on Step 7


Expected instructions on how to use french fry compost to feed a potato sprout. got frankenpotato. still lololing


How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes


8 years ago on Introduction


Thats what I call reverse engineering :)


How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes


8 years ago on Introduction


But, Why?


How to make french fries from mashed potatoes
How to make french fries from mashed potatoes


8 years ago on Introduction


This Instructable has literally changed my life. I'll never forget the day I learned this mind-blowing skill.

Are french fries made from mashed potatoes?

Mythbusters host Grant Imahara asks the French fry makers to answer questions everyone asks themselves, like, "Are French fries made of mashed potato goo?" (A: No, they're made from real Russet Burbank, Ranger Russet, Umatilla Russet, and Shepody potatoes), and, "How do you get the perfectly shaped French fry?" (A: You ...

Why do you boil potatoes before making French fries?

Boiling not only pre-cooks the interior of the fry so it will be nice and soft when you eat it but more importantly this step is the secret to prevent fries from turning dark brown later in the frying process.

How do you make simple french fries?

How to Make Homemade French Fries.
Slice the potatoes 1/2 inch thick. ... .
Soak them cold in water for at least an hour or overnight. ( ... .
Rinse them twice with cold water and pat the completely dry..
Heat oil to 300 degrees. ... .
Increase heat to 400 degrees. ... .
Place them on paper towels and sprinkle immediately with salt..